Fuzzy Flamingo Design
We all judge a book by its cover. When your customers are browsing the bookshelves or scrolling through Amazon the choice can be bewildering. Give your book the best chance of being picked out of the line-up with superb cover design. I provide design for book covers and interiors, producing beautifully presented books from the front right through the text to the back cover.
It’s easy to overlook the importance of good text design. While the cover is incredibly important, you won’t keep your readers for long if your book is laid out badly or difficult to read. I’ll work with you to make sure the words on the page look as good as the cover that caught your readers’ attention.
Whether you’re publishing a printed book, an eBook or both, it’s important that it has a professional finish and eye-catching design if you are to get those all-important 5* reviews and recommendations that get your book talked about. Word of mouth marketing can make all the difference to the success of your book, so let’s get it looking great from the moment you publish.
I offer a range of packages to let you choose the level of service you need. Click here to find out more.
Fuzzy Flamingo Design
We all judge a book by its cover. When your customers are browsing the bookshelves or scrolling through Amazon the choice can be bewildering. Give your book the best chance of being picked out of the line-up with superb cover design. I provide design for book covers and interiors, producing beautifully presented books from the front right through the text to the back cover.
It’s easy to overlook the importance of good text design. While the cover is incredibly important, you won’t keep your readers for long if your book is laid out badly or difficult to read. I’ll work with you to make sure the words on the page look as good as the cover that caught your readers’ attention.
Whether you’re publishing a printed book, an eBook or both, it’s important that it has a professional finish and eye-catching design if you are to get those all-important 5* reviews and recommendations that get your book talked about. Word of mouth marketing can make all the difference to the success of your book, so let’s get it looking great from the moment you publish.
I offer a range of packages to let you choose the level of service you need. Click here to find out more.
Fuzzy Flamingo Editing
I’m a stickler for spelling and grammar and if I come across lots of errors in a published book it can put me off finishing it. No matter how good your writing is, your readers could find themselves being distracted by spelling mistakes, poor grammar or a lack of overall consistency and flow. Getting the basics right means that your audience can immerse themselves in your story. It could give you new fans who’ll be keen to buy the next time they see your name on a book. A professional finish will also help you to get picked up by a traditional publisher if that’s your goal.
I offer two types of corrective edit:
Copy Edit
This is the more in-depth of the two edits, checking for spelling, grammar, consistency and flow. It is done on-screen on your Word document using tracked changes before the book is typeset or formatted.
This happens after the book is typeset and is done on-screen on the PDF using notes. It is correcting spelling, grammar and typesetting/formatting errors.
Fuzzy Flamingo Editing
I’m a stickler for spelling and grammar and if I come across lots of errors in a published book it can put me off finishing it. No matter how good your writing is, your readers could find themselves being distracted by spelling mistakes, poor grammar or a lack of overall consistency and flow. Getting the basics right means that your audience can immerse themselves in your story. It could give you new fans who’ll be keen to buy the next time they see your name on a book. A professional finish will also help you to get picked up by a traditional publisher if that’s your goal.
I offer two types of corrective edit:
Copy Edit
This is the more in-depth of the two edits, checking for spelling, grammar, consistency and flow. It is done on-screen on your Word document using tracked changes before the book is typeset or formatted.
This happens after the book is typeset and is done on-screen on the PDF using notes. It is correcting spelling, grammar and typesetting/formatting errors.