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Who is your book for?

December 14th, 2022|

When you first start writing a book it might be because you just want to tell a story. It could be a work of fiction or the history of your life. The question is, [...]

How you can support your author friends

October 4th, 2022|

If your friend or relative is an author, you might wonder how you can support them. Perhaps you think that there isn’t much you can do apart from buying the book. The good news [...]

How to choose a good title for your book

March 21st, 2022|

You’ve put in the work and written a brilliant book – congratulations! You’re ready to start the process of getting published, but there’s just one snag. What do you call your book? Coming up [...]

Is self-publishing right for you?

February 22nd, 2022|

Is self-publishing right for you? People are always asking me why anyone would want to self-publish a book. They think it sounds like a lot of hard work and, after all, isn’t that what [...]